Hey Queens!
Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas holiday with friends, family or just yourself. I know it's been a while since I've provided an update but better late than never!
Behind the scenes I've been prioritizing MDF Brows, taking on new clients and really building up this side of the business. Therefore, we've decided to take a step back on MDF Atelier at this time. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
To celebrate our 3-year anniversary & the bright future of MDF Atelier, we had a clearance BFCM sale offering 60% off all MDF Atelier products (including sale items), as well as a "Closing Clearance" sale offering 65% off. If you missed out on this sale, no worries! You can still place orders by sending us a DM on FB or IG @maisondefinesse, or shoot us an email at info@maisondefinesse.com
Ordering MDF Atelier products on our website is currently down so we will be sending invoices via Paypal if there's an item you'd like to purchase/repurchase. Why did we take a step back on MDF Atelier? Well, we want to take MDF Atelier in a different direction and offer more unique, one-of-a-kind products for our Finesse Queens & because I am such a perfectionist, I need to make sure that everything is perfect and in line with my vision. There will be more details to come in the near future, so please keep an eye out as we will be making an announcement on our social media accounts and sending out a newsletter.
Brow Queens:
Not to worry! You can still book your appointments seamlessly on our website, just as you normally do. We thank you again for your patience, & understanding while we make this transition. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to leave a comment or email us at info@maisondefinesse.com & we will be happy to assist you in any way we can!
Stay healthy, beautiful & safe queens! We love & thank you for your continued support over the last 3 years!💛
Happy New Year!!!!
- Estherina Darroux
MDF Founder & CEO |

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