An update regarding COVID-19
With the ongoing situation around COVID-19, we wanted to share an update with you. These are uncertain times, but we are sure about one thing: putting the health & safety of our Finesse Queens first is key.
We are doing everything we can to ensure the continued sanitization of all our products & our home-based facility. We are committed to staying healthy & helping our queens stay healthy too.
In order to do so, here is what we are specifically doing:
- All surfaces will be wiped thoroughly with hospital grade disinfectant before & after each client according to the manufacturer's directions & sterilized with a professional steam-sterilization equipment at the end of each day!
- Estherina will wear the following protective gear: a clean lab coat, gloves & mask at all times during your appointment.
- Wearing gloves & face masks while preparing & packaging your orders
- Cleaning inventory thoroughly on a regular basis
- Each appointment has been spaced out strategically to ensure that we prevent client contact with each other
- Estherina will thoroughly clean her hands & wear sterile gloves during your semi-permanent make-up consultation & procedure
- All clients are required to get their temperature checked upon arrival
- All clients are required to fill out a COVID-19 prescreening form
- Prepayment for services is available online if clients prefer contactless checkout.
- All clients are required to wash & sanitize their hands upon arrival & departure
- All clients are required to wear a mask at all times, during their procedure
- All products & tools used during the procedure will be placed in a separate container for disinfection & disposable items are always used when possible.
We sincerely apologize for any delays in getting your order to you. Production or shipping may be impacted by global issues beyond our control & may cause a bit of a wait.
We hope to maintain regular order shipments as best we can & we appreciate your patience.
For any questions or concerns regarding this global pandemic, please email us at
Stay safe my Queens! xo.
- Estherina Darroux